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News Item Text

Kompetensi Dasar 3.4 : Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,   struktur teks, dan   unsur kebahasaan teks news items lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV.

Social Function:

News items is a text that informs the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day (untuk menginformasikan pembaca tentang peristiwa/kejadian sehari-hari yang layak untuk diberitakan atau penting. Dan kejadian yang diberitakan biasanya adalah kejadian atau peristiwa terbaru).

Generic Structure

Sama halnya dengan jenis teks bahasa inggris lainnya seperti narrative text, recount text, atau procedure text, news item text juga memiliki susunan atau struktur umun atau disebut generic structure. Generic Structure dari news item text adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Main Event/Newsworthy Event: adalah berita utama, bagian yang menceritakan ringkasan dari suatu kejadian atau peristiwa penting yang terjadi.
  • Background Event/Elaboration: menceritakan secara rinci latar belakang kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi, siapa yang terlibat, dimana dan bagaimana peristiwa terjadi.
  • Source: bagian terakhir dari struktur news item text, merupakan sumber berita bisa berupa pernyataan narasumber, komentar saksi, pendapat para ahli, atau pernyataan dari pihak terkait dari suatu peristiwa.

Language Features

Berikut ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari News Item Text:
  • Informasi singkat yang tertuang dalam headline.
  • Fokus pada suatu kejadian.
  • Dominan menggunakan saying verbs, seperti diberitakan, dikutik, mengatakan, memberitakan, dan sebagainya.
  • Umumnya menggunakan action verb, yaitu kata kerja yang menunjukkan aktivitas.
  • Sering menggunakan kata kerja bantu yang menunjukkan waktu dan tempat.
  • Menggunakan material process.

Contoh News Item Text dan Strukturnya

                                    Seven Killed in Accident on Jalan Sultan

Newsworthy Event
Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck at 10:35 p.m. on Jalan Sultan last night.

Backgroud Event
The dead were all passengers in the car. Police believe the car may have been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car may not have been using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching.

The police said the car should not have been trying to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan Sultan. In addition, the police reported that the car–a small Japanese car–should not have been carrying more than five people. The names of the victims are not yet known.

                                   Virtual Worlds are Useful for Children

Main Event:

A research report says that virtual worlds can be important places where children practice what they will do in real life. They are also a powerful and attractive alternative to more passive adventures like watching TV. The research was done with children using the BBC’s Adventure Rock virtual world, aimed at those aged 6-12. It surveyed and interviewed children who were the first to test the game.

Background Event:

The online world is a themed island built for the BBC’s children channel by Belgian game maker Larian. Children explore the world alone but they use message boards to share what they find and what they do in the different creative studios they find around the virtual space.

At times children were explorers and at others, they were social climbers eager to connect with other players. Some were power users looking for more information about how the virtual space really worked. The children could try all kinds of things without having to be afraid of the consequences that would follow if they tried them in the real world. They learned many useful social skills and played around with their identity in ways that would be much more difficult in real life.


According to the study what children liked about virtual worlds was the chance to create content such as music, cartoons, and videos.

The publishers of the report say that virtual worlds can be a powerful, engaging and real interactive alternative to more passive media. They urged creators of virtual spaces for children to get young people involved very early on because they really do have good ideas to add and they are very good critical friends.