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Listening Section about Asking and Giving Opinion

Agar melatih kemampuan listening kalian dalam memahami asking and giving opinion simak video berikut ini, kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawahnya:

Dialog 1

Man : Are you studying Japanese?
Woman: Yes, I am
Man : I never knew that you are interested in other languages
Woman: In my opinion I think everybody should at least speak two languages.
Man : Why do you think that?
Woman: I think learning another language makes you smarter
Man : How does learn another language make you smarter?
Woman: Learning a new language is exercise for your brain.
Man : Exercise for your brain? Are you serious?
Woman: Yes, I am serious. Just like jogging is exercise for your body, learning benefits
your brain.
Man : Actually, I think there is a better reason for learning another language.
Woman: Really? What do you think?
Man : It opens up your world, you can meet more people and learn about culture.
Woman: I think it’s also the way to get a better job.

Dialog 2

Man : I was thinking about giving the promotion to walter
Woman : I think you should give it to Julee
Man : Really? Do you really think so?
Woman : Yes, as I see it, Julee deserves the promotion more
Man : But walter has been here at the company longer
Woman : In fact, that is true. But in my point of view Julee is much more qualified and
she has better work habit than Walter.
Man : I see your point. Thank you for your opinion
Woman : You’re very welcome

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