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Learning Guide Unit 4 ENGL0101

Learning Guide Unit 4


Unit 4: The 5 Paragraph Essay and the Library


  • The 5 paragraph essay
  • Using the UoPeople Library
  • Topic vs Thesis
  • African and Russian short stories

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:

  1. Comprehend the structure of the 5 paragraph essay.
  2. Explore the UoPeople Library for research.
  3. Differentiate between a topic and a thesis.
  4. Analyze different writing styles and cultural themes.


  • Read the Learning Guide and Reading Assignments
  • Participate in the Discussion Assignment (post, comment, and rate in the Discussion Forum)
  • Complete and submit the Written Assignment
  • Make entries to the Learning Journal
  • Take the Self-Quiz


This unit will focus on the 5 paragraph essay, how to use the UoPeople Library for research and the difference between a topic and a thesis. It will also include a reading from either an African or Russian writer that you will discuss in the Discussion Forum. Your Written Assignment is to create a 5 paragraph paper of your own based upon the thesis and outline you handed in last week. This will be assessed by your peers. Finally, your Learning Journal this week will be an area just for you to assess your own progress and to write a note to your teacher on your assessment.

Although not required, it is strongly suggested to take the Self-Quiz as they will prove useful study guides for the Graded Quizzes later in the unit.

Discussion Assignment

For your Discussion Assignment, you will practice using APA Citations to give credit to the source of the information you read. This is crucial since not giving credit (plagiarism) can lead to a Fail for the assignment, the course, and even have you expelled from the university.

Choose one of the stories from the readings and then research a critical source within the UoPeople Library or through another source, such as Google Scholar for further information about the story.  For example, this information might come from reviews by others, biographies, or textbooks.  You will then write two or three sentences on what you’ve found for research and how it does (or does not) concur with your concept of the story.

You will include:

  • One quote formatted using APA in-text citation style.
  • One paraphrase formatted using APA in-text citation style.
  • The full reference information formatted using APA Reference section style (if you need help with the reference material, you can use BibMe at www.bibme.org but make sure you select APA and not MLA).

Remember, except for the credited source information this is to be your own original work.

You are also responsible for replying with three or four sentences to three different students and rating their main posts from 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent) in the Rate box provided.


BibMe. (n.d.). BibMe - The online writing centerwww.bibme.org

Discussion Forum Unit 4

You are required to submit a substantial response to the Discussion Assignment, which will be posted by your instructor in the Discussion Forum below. A substantial response is one that stays on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner. If your instructor requires a specific word count, it will be stated in the assignment.

After you respond to the assignment, you are then required to both give a rating and also leave a significant comment (3-4 complete sentences) to at least three (3) of your peers' responses, in order to receive full credit. Rate only the substantial responses that contribute to the promotion of the discussion, and not the comments of your peers.

Please review and follow the guidelines below for assessing your peer's responses to the Discussion Assignment.

Discussion Forum Rating Guidelines:
10 (A) - Excellent, substantial, relevant, insightful, enriching, and stimulating contribution to the discussion. Also, uses external resources to support position where required and/or applicable.
8 - 9 (B) - Good, quite substantial and insightful, but missing minor details which would have otherwise characterized it as an excellent response.
6 - 7 (C) - Satisfactory insight and relevance, but required some more information and effort to have warranted a better rating.
4 - 5 (D) - Limited insight and relevance of the material; more effort and reflection needed to have warranted a satisfactory grading.
0 - 3 (F) - Unsatisfactory insight/relevance or failure to answer the question, reflecting a poor or limited understanding of the subject matter and/or the guidelines of the question.

If at any time you suspect that a post in this Discussion Forum violates UoPeople's rules regarding plagiarism and/or any aspect of UoPeople’s Academic Code of Conduct, please notify your instructor immediately.

Remember that your instructor will be reviewing responses, ratings, and comments - and will adjust ratings if he/she believes that they do not seem warranted or supportable.

Written Assignment

Your Written Assignment for this unit focuses on creating your own five-paragraph essay. This essay should be based upon the Unit 3 Learning Journal thesis and outline you handed in last week. It is to be an entire work of originality with no outside sources included.

This Written Assignment is assessed by your peers and will be for a grade. It will be judged mainly for the following:

  1. Did the student support the thesis?
  2. Is it a full five-paragraph essay?
  3. Is it an original work?
  4. Are there spelling or grammar issues?
  5. Does the paragraph form a coherent unit?

Submit an essay 5 paragraphs in length, exclusive of the reference page. The paper should be double-spaced and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Check all content for grammar, and spelling. Your document must be compatible with Microsoft Word. Do not submit a PDF document.

Please note that you will not necessarily be provided with assessment aspects during assignment submission periods in your other courses.

Your Written Assignment for this unit focuses on creating your own five-paragraph essay. This essay should be based upon the Unit 3 Learning Journal thesis and outline you handed in last week. It is to be an entire work of originality with no outside sources included.

This Written Assignment is assessed by your peers and will be for a grade. It will be judged mainly for the following:

  1. Did the student support the thesis?
  2. Is it a full five-paragraph essay?
  3. Is it an original work?
  4. Are there spelling or grammar issues?
  5. Does the paragraph form a coherent unit?

Please note that you will not necessarily be provided with assessment aspects during assignment submission periods in your other courses.


The Role of Education

submitted on Tuesday, 12 July 2022, 11:35 AM

The Role of Education

Education has a big role in people's lives. The first role of education is to produce intelligent and creative human resources because education is the main key to fighting poverty. Education is the main basis for socializing, and education plays a role in cultural transformation. And lastly, education reflects the bright future of a country. It means that the role of education shows is a very important function and position in all aspects of people's lives. This paper explains that education has a great impact on the future of human life. It covers some aspects of the individual, society, or individual national community, as well as the overall content of material and spiritual reality.  It plays a role in determining the form of nature, destiny, man, and society. Education is not just a teaching, but a process of providing knowledge, changing values, and fostering individuality in every aspect. In other words, education can be likened to a currency that applies anytime, anywhere.

The first role of education is to produce intelligent and creative human resources. Quality education will grow and develop the potential of each individual. Without education, the generation will wither and become weak. It is certain that every individual who has higher education will gain a lot of knowledge that can equip themselves to face a sustainable life. The expected product of this education is qualified and reliable human resources, who are able to compete in the midst of globalization.

The second role, education is the main key to fighting poverty. With a good education, everyone has the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills and get a job, from increasing productivity to increasing income. In this way, education can break the chain of poverty, and eliminate social exclusion, thereby improving quality of life and achieving people's well-being. Furthermore, education is the main basis for socializing, where education has a role as a creator of individuals who can socialize well in society. This shows how important education is to the ability of individuals to socialize with one another. On the other hand, education plays a role in cultural transformation. Through the process of education, it will indirectly develop the process of cultural transformation to increase human dignity which lasts a lifetime. Education is needed by humans. Only humans develop education as a product of their culture. It means that the role of education is very important in human life, both individually and in society.

Finally, education reflects the brilliant future of a country. A country has a future that lies in its young generation, the decline or progress of a country depends on the younger generation. Meanwhile, realizing the ideals of becoming a more developed and better country, education is one of the central points in this regard. The younger generation can become a superior generation in the future depending on how education will be implemented. This is where education is so important to influence the quality of a country in the future.

In conclusion, education plays a major role in people's lives. Education is needed to support human life because basically humans in carrying out their lives cannot be separated from education. Because education functions to improve the quality of humans themselves, both in producing intelligent human resources, alleviating poverty, socializing, culture and education is a reflection of the future of a country that has a role in the progress of a nation.

Devoted friend.

submitted on Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 9:36 PM

modified on Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 9:36 PM

Fidelity is more generally considered to hold a constancy of given a word or a behavior toward oneself. A person who is faithful remains constantly the field he has set for himself and it doesn’t  matter the commitments, the promises or the obstacles stands in its way. Therefore, is entirely an moral act which requires a great capacity of self control, conviction and rectitude. What is the essentials points to be faithful to a friend ? To be faithful does it require the reciprocity of royalty of the other friend ? 


Man is always subject to change, either by his relatives, his environment, or by his new conception of life. In this case to not got strew we have to be in harmony with ourselves and the way of living consist in a total coherence of our thoughts, behavior and our speaking. 


Fidelity toward someone is more difficult to hold because many points must be considered as the keys of succès. We are all not perfect and we remains to make mistakes, then tolerance is one of the must important key to keep alive a relationship and to be royal as well. The second key is compréhension (conversation), is to be able to share emotions, bad moments with your partner which going to make the relationship more entrusted. 


Spending time with his friend builds more habits and trust in the relationship. Through these moments, sharing confidences will be easier and easier for both. These are the habits that will make them as a “devoted friend” to each other. 

Being royal is a nice virtue but one thing is sure it has to be a both way street. It’s like a balance that we each occupy a side which we most try to be on perfect harmony. Both side support each other, If it’s not like that a side will be fall in ignorance and stupidity and the other side will be lost in the stars taking advantage to that relationship. Although fidelity with its promises imprisons us in the past and prevents us from moving forward in time, we can still rethink updating the relationship. It will create more comfort space and embellish the relationship.


Charities in Kuwait

submitted on Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 4:45 PM

In poor countries, the importance of providing humanitarian aid appears, Therefore, there are many organizations and charities interested in human beings including Kuwaiti charitable institutions which play an active role in improving lives in many poor communities, I will talk here about how the work of Kuwaiti charities inside and outside Kuwait and their coordination with other institutions, as well as supervision and follow-up, the impact of these institutions on Kuwaiti society and the societies they are helped, and the aspect of sustainability and development.

The work of Kuwaiti charities inside Kuwait differs from outside it in several ways, as the charitable work inside Kuwait is carried out from its beginning to its end through the institution itself. Whether paying for medicines, paying tuition fees, or paying money for the same cases. Outside Kuwait, cases and charitable projects are studied by the bodies approved by the government, and then their details are sent to Kuwaiti charitable institutions to collect funds and facilitate obstacles to these projects, and for Kuwaiti associations to send funds through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and take approval to start implementation, and then comes the role of follow-up And supervision of projects, through videos and periodic photos, from the beginning of the implementation of the project to its completion. The supervision process includes a visit to the projects by the official accredited to the Kuwaiti charitable organization.

There is no doubt that these charitable works have a positive impact on the Kuwaiti society and the societies that have been helped, so you find good morals and culture of donation spread in the Kuwaiti society, so you find participation from everyone and its impact extends to the spiritual and faith side. Moreover, the impact of charitable work extends to the communities that are being helped, making their lives easier for them, and this implants in their hearts the love of the State of Kuwait and improves their lives.

Among the aspects that charitable institutions in the State of Kuwait are concerned with is the aspect of sustainability and development, as they allocate projects that generate monthly revenues, which contribute to supporting the acceleration of development and achieving sustainability goals. Among the projects that are concerned with development are educational projects, building schools, and orphanages scattered in the poorest countries in the world.

Kuwaiti charitable institutions depend on their work in coordination with the various concerned authorities in order to reach the maximum benefit to run the wheel of development and sustainability in the best forms to achieve an effective impact on societies, and in my opinion, they are doing a great job in order to achieve societal goals.

Africa's development

submitted on Tuesday, 12 July 2022, 5:17 PM

modified on Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 4:11 PM

What a paradox! Being rich in resources of all kinds, but being the poorest continent, is exactly where Africa is today. History teaches us that the African continent already had civilizations well advanced in antiquity (in Egypt, Kenya, etc.) so being developed to this day would be a logical continuation. Several researchers and development actors have proposed many development theories and strategies for Africa, most of which had been successful on other continents, but unfortunately for Africa, almost all of them have failed to achieve the expected success. Indeed, situations such as corruption, the attempt at democracy, and even the realities of international trade are points that should be highlighted before thinking about possible solutions for development. Therefore, we must therefore carefully rethink the obstacles that do not facilitate the development of Africa to come up with adequate and effective development strategies and theories for Africa.

Corruption is a plague on development. Indeed, corruption is growing in several countries and several institutions that could have served as tools to promote the development of Africa are invaded by corruption almost at all levels. In the short term, corruption, therefore, pushes some people in organizations of all kinds to set up mechanisms for fraud, embezzlement, etc. and in the long term, corruption, going through the years, then becomes a mentality adopted by the new generations. To this should be added the impunity which puts several countries in a situation of eternal restarting, rendering ineffective any mission of control and audit, because those who are supposed to carry out this work have already lost their independence beforehand (indeed, they are already corrupt). It is in this logic that in certain countries not relying on the principles of democracy, the leaders use audit and control missions to establish their power to ward off the opposition.

Democracy is a recent concept, even misunderstood by many people in African countries. Indeed, Africa is the continent in which several countries have experienced dictatorship for several years and some countries have difficulty in enforcing notions such as alternation in power, freedom of expression, civic equality, political pluralism, the multi-party system, etc. Consequently, good governance becomes a utopia, and the lack of transparency makes it difficult to ensure and monitor the optimal use of the country's resources for development according to the basic principles of management. Moreover, in the context of international trade, some multinationals promote dictatorship, to have access to raw materials for their industries on the one hand, and guarantee outlets for their production on the other.

The inequality of resources is one of the key factors that promote international trade. Indeed, there are countries very rich in minerals, others in the capital, and others in manpower who put themselves into music to satisfy their needs. However, these exchanges do not allow the development of certain countries: as reasons, there is first the deterioration of the term of exchange. Here, the rules of the market are dictated by certain developed countries, in the sense that the prices of raw materials purchased in African countries are set by developed countries and the prices of finished products sold to so-called poor countries are set by the same rich countries. There is also the financing of armed groups, rebellions, and the destabilization of certain powers for the benefit of multinationals to have access to raw materials. From this point of view, international trade becomes a tool for the enrichment of developed countries and the impoverishment of developing countries.

Development theories and strategies that have been successful in other continents have not shown their effectiveness in Africa because there are obstacles inherent in its context. In fact, the main brakes are of three types: corruption, which is growing and destabilizing the system and is becoming a mentality, democracy, which is a notion felt in some countries and almost misunderstood, and the rules of international trade which are unfavorable to the development of certain African countries. Thus, it is important to think carefully and in detail about the inherent of each African country to ensure that adequate solutions are formulated.

Learning Journal Unit 4

For this Unit's Learning Journal, you will write a two or three sentence assessment of your own progress and a note to your teacher about your assessment.


When I started studying at the University of The People, I gained a lot of knowledge about writing in English which was mentored by Mrs. Sreelekshmi. She was very patient and always motivates us, always reminding us, if we forget to do our assignments. And most importantly in this course we have learned and improved many skills, especially in writing, starting from what is a topic and thesis, and introduction, writing commas, semicolons, and periods in their use in a sentence. I am proud that Mrs. Sreelekshmi's guidance has given me a lot of support and valuable lessons. I would like to say thank you so much to Mrs. Sreelekshmi Mallika, your guidance and motivation and your kind words make the lecture process interesting and enjoyable.