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Soal Pretest Pedagogy Guru Bahasa Inggris PPG Dalam Jabatan

Soal dan Pembahasan

Soal 1: Among the areas where our behavior can directly influence our students’  motivation to continue participation in EFL classes is determining short-term goals which include the following EXCEPT ….

A. the successful writing of an essay
B. the ability to partake in a discussion
C. the possibility of a better job in the future
D. the learning of a small amount of new language
E. the passing of the progress test at the end of the week

Jawaban: C. the possibility of a better job in the future

Penjelasan jawaban:
Dalam pertanyaan tersebut, kita diminta untuk memilih jawaban yang TIDAK termasuk dalam daftar tujuan jangka pendek yang dapat mempengaruhi motivasi siswa untuk terus berpartisipasi dalam kelas bahasa Inggris (EFL). Mari kita tinjau setiap opsi:

A. the successful writing of an essay (keberhasilan menulis esai) - Siswa mungkin memiliki tujuan jangka pendek untuk berhasil menulis esai dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini adalah tujuan konkret yang dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri mereka dan mendorong mereka untuk terus berpartisipasi.

B. the ability to partake in a discussion (kemampuan berpartisipasi dalam diskusi) - Kemampuan untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam diskusi dalam bahasa Inggris adalah tujuan jangka pendek yang relevan. Ini dapat membantu siswa merasa lebih terlibat dalam kelas dan meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mereka.

C. the possibility of a better job in the future (kemungkinan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik di masa depan) - Jawaban ini adalah pengecualian karena menyebutkan tujuan jangka panjang ("di masa depan") dan bukan jangka pendek. Tujuan ini mungkin akan mempengaruhi motivasi siswa dalam jangka panjang, tetapi pertanyaan meminta kita untuk memilih pilihan yang tidak termasuk dalam tujuan jangka pendek.

D. the learning of a small amount of new language (belajar sejumlah kecil bahasa baru) - Tujuan ini masuk akal karena siswa biasanya akan merasa termotivasi ketika mereka berhasil mempelajari dan menguasai sejumlah kecil kosakata atau struktur bahasa baru.

E. the passing of the progress test at the end of the week (lulus tes kemajuan pada akhir minggu) - Siswa mungkin akan termotivasi untuk belajar dengan baik demi mencapai tujuan ini dan menunjukkan kemajuan dalam bahasa Inggris mereka.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C. the possibility of a better job in the future karena merupakan tujuan jangka panjang, bukan tujuan jangka pendek yang dimaksud dalam pertanyaan.

Soal 2: As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic competence refers to chunks of language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It includes the following EXCEPT …

A. idioms
B. routines
C. turn-taking
D. collocations
E. lexical frames

Jawaban: C. turn-taking

Penjelasan jawaban:
Dalam pertanyaan ini, kita diminta untuk memilih opsi yang TIDAK termasuk dalam kompetensi formulaik yang merupakan kontras dari kompetensi linguistik. Mari kita tinjau setiap opsi:

A. idioms (ungkapan idiomatik) - Idiom adalah ungkapan bahasa yang memiliki arti khusus yang tidak dapat diprediksi dari makna kata-katanya secara individual. Ini merupakan bagian dari kompetensi formulaik karena speaker menggunakannya secara luas dalam interaksi sehari-hari.

B. routines (rutinitas) - Rutinitas adalah rangkaian frasa atau kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam situasi tertentu, seperti salam, permintaan maaf, ucapan terima kasih, dan sebagainya. Ini juga merupakan bagian dari kompetensi formulaik karena sering digunakan dalam interaksi sehari-hari.

C. turn-taking (pengambilan giliran) - Jawaban ini adalah pengecualian karena "turn-taking" bukanlah bagian dari kompetensi formulaik dalam hal potongan-potongan bahasa yang digunakan oleh pembicara. Turn-taking lebih berkaitan dengan bagaimana pembicara dan pendengar bergantian berbicara dalam percakapan.

D. collocations (kolokasi) - Kolokasi adalah kata-kata yang cenderung muncul bersama-sama dan sering digunakan dalam kombinasi tertentu. Ini termasuk dalam kompetensi formulaik karena pembicara menggunakan kolokasi secara alami dalam interaksi sehari-hari.

E. lexical frames (kerangka leksikal) - Kerangka leksikal adalah pola frasa atau kalimat yang sering muncul dan mengikat kata-kata bersama-sama. Mereka juga merupakan bagian dari kompetensi formulaik karena merupakan bagian dari bahasa yang digunakan secara rutin oleh pembicara.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C. turn-taking karena tidak termasuk dalam kompetensi formulaik yang dimaksud dalam pertanyaan.

Soal 3: Applying the humanistic approach, the teacher should encourage supportive atmosphere in the classroom by means of the following acts EXCEPT ….

A. listening to the students
B. encouraging them to share their feelings
C. accepting their comments without judgement
D. fixing the aims for the course or for one lesson
E. obliging students to do what they plan to do that day

Jawaban: E. obliging students to do what they plan to do that day.

The humanistic approach emphasizes the importance of student autonomy and self-direction. Therefore, a teacher who is applying a humanistic approach would not want to oblige students to do what they plan to do that day. Instead, the teacher would want to create a supportive atmosphere where students feel free to choose their own learning goals and activities.

Here is a brief explanation of each of the other options:

A. listening to the students is an important way to build rapport and trust with students. It also shows that the teacher is interested in what the students have to say.

B. encouraging them to share their feelings is another way to build rapport and trust with students. It also allows students to express themselves and to feel heard.

C. accepting their comments without judgement is important for creating a supportive atmosphere where students feel safe to express themselves.

D. fixing the aims for the course or for one lesson is important for providing students with a sense of direction and purpose. However, it is important to do this in a way that is collaborative and that allows students to have some input into the goals.

Soal 4: When putting syllabuses together, an EFL curriculum designer has to consider each item for inclusion in the syllabuses on the basis of the following criteria EXCEPT….

A. Learnability
B. Usefulness
C. Frequency
D. Coverage
E. Grading

Jawaban: E. Grading.

The other options are all criteria that are important to consider when putting together a syllabus. Learnability refers to how easy it is for students to learn a particular item of language. Usefulness refers to how useful a particular item of language is for students in their everyday lives. Frequency refers to how often a particular item of language is used in the target language. Coverage refers to how much of the target language is covered in the syllabus.

Grading, on the other hand, is not a criterion that is relevant to the content of the syllabus. Grading is a way of assessing student learning, and it is not necessary to consider grading when making decisions about what to include in the syllabus.

Here is a brief explanation of each of the other options:

A. Learnability is important because students are more likely to learn something that is easy to learn.

B. Usefulness is important because students are more likely to remember something that is useful to them.

C. Frequency is important because students are more likely to be exposed to something that is frequently used.

D. Coverage is important because students need to be exposed to a wide range of language in order to become proficient.

Soal 5: The presentation/development step of a lesson plan should involve activities on the part of the students. It should be carried out by keeping in mind the following principles EXCEPT…

A. principle of selection
B. principle of division
C. principle of absorption
D. principle of categorization
E. principle of successive sequence

Jawaban: C. principle of absorption

Penjelasan jawaban:
Dalam tahap presentasi atau pengembangan dari rencana pelajaran, siswa harus terlibat dalam berbagai aktivitas untuk memperoleh pemahaman dan penguasaan terhadap materi pelajaran. Berbagai prinsip harus dipertimbangkan untuk menjalankan tahap ini dengan efektif. Mari kita tinjau setiap opsi:

A. principle of selection (prinsip pemilihan) - Prinsip ini berkaitan dengan pemilihan materi atau konten yang relevan dan sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran. Mengidentifikasi materi yang penting dan relevan adalah langkah awal yang penting dalam merancang tahap presentasi.

B. principle of division (prinsip pembagian) - Prinsip ini berkaitan dengan membagi materi yang diajarkan menjadi bagian yang lebih kecil dan terorganisir. Pembagian materi membantu siswa untuk mengatasi informasi yang kompleks dan mempermudah pemahaman.

C. principle of absorption (prinsip penyerapan) - Jawaban ini adalah pengecualian karena "prinsip penyerapan" tidak termasuk dalam prinsip-prinsip yang umum dipertimbangkan dalam tahap presentasi atau pengembangan rencana pelajaran. Istilah "absorption" mungkin tidak merujuk pada konsep klasik dalam merancang tahap presentasi.

D. principle of categorization (prinsip kategorisasi) - Prinsip ini berkaitan dengan mengelompokkan informasi atau materi dalam kategori-kategori yang jelas dan teratur. Menggunakan kategori membantu siswa dalam mengorganisir informasi dan memahami hubungan antara konsep.

E. principle of successive sequence (prinsip urutan berurutan) - Prinsip ini berkaitan dengan menyajikan materi secara berurutan dan terstruktur, di mana informasi yang diberikan di tahap awal mempersiapkan siswa untuk informasi lebih lanjut yang lebih kompleks. Ini membantu membangun pemahaman secara bertahap.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C. principle of absorption karena prinsip ini tidak terkait dengan prinsip-prinsip umum yang biasanya dipertimbangkan dalam tahap presentasi atau pengembangan rencana pelajaran.

Soal 6: When assigning the learners in the closure section of the lesson plan, remember that students need to be able to perform their skills on their own. So, keep the following things in mind EXCEPT ….

A. make a clear connection between the lesson and the homework
B. make sure to assign the homework directly after the lesson
C. clearly explain the assignment to be given to the learners
D. ask the model students to share their tasks to their classmates
E. make sure to check for students understating before sending them of

Jawaban: D. ask the model students to share their tasks to their classmates.

The other options are all important considerations when assigning homework in the closure section of the lesson plan. Making a clear connection between the lesson and the homework will help students to see how the homework relates to what they have learned in class. Assigning the homework directly after the lesson will help students to remember what they have learned. Clearly explaining the assignment to be given to the learners will help students to understand what they are supposed to do. Making sure to check for students' understanding before sending them off will help to ensure that they have understood the assignment.

However, asking the model students to share their tasks to their classmates is not an effective way to check for students' understanding. This is because the model students may not be able to explain the tasks in a way that is understandable to their classmates. Instead, the teacher should ask the students questions about the assignment to check for their understanding.

Here is a brief explanation of each of the other options:

A. make a clear connection between the lesson and the homework will help students to see how the homework relates to what they have learned in class.

B. make sure to assign the homework directly after the lesson will help students to remember what they have learned.

C. clearly explain the assignment to be given to the learners will help students to understand what they are supposed to do.

E. make sure to check for students' understanding before sending them off will help to ensure that they have understood the assignment.

Soal 7: Free practice designed for an effective lesson plan integrates the focus structure / vocabulary / functional language into students’ overall language use. It often encourages students to use the target language structures in the following EXCEPT ….

A. games and puzzles
B. small group discussions
C. quizzes and formative tests
D. written work (paragraphs and essays)
E. longer listening comprehension practice

Jawaban: C. quizzes and formative tests

Penjelasan jawaban:
Free practice adalah bagian dari rencana pelajaran yang dirancang untuk mengintegrasikan struktur bahasa, kosakata, atau bahasa fungsional yang menjadi fokus pelajaran ke dalam penggunaan bahasa secara keseluruhan oleh siswa. Tujuan dari free practice adalah untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk menggunakan struktur bahasa yang dipelajari dalam konteks yang lebih bebas dan bermakna. Mari kita tinjau setiap opsi:

A. games and puzzles (permainan dan teka-teki) - Permainan dan teka-teki sering digunakan dalam free practice untuk mendorong siswa berinteraksi dengan target language secara santai dan menyenangkan. Ini membantu memperkuat pemahaman dan penggunaan bahasa.

B. small group discussions (diskusi kelompok kecil) - Diskusi kelompok kecil adalah cara yang efektif untuk melibatkan siswa dalam berbicara menggunakan bahasa yang dipelajari. Ini memungkinkan mereka berlatih berkomunikasi dalam situasi yang lebih nyata dan bermakna.

C. quizzes and formative tests (kuis dan tes formatif) - Jawaban ini adalah pengecualian karena kuis dan tes formatif biasanya bukan bagian dari free practice. Kuis dan tes formatif biasanya digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari dan memberikan umpan balik kepada mereka dan guru tentang kemajuan belajar.

D. written work (paragraphs and essays) - Pekerjaan tertulis seperti menulis paragraf atau esai dapat menjadi bagian dari free practice untuk melatih siswa dalam menggunakan struktur bahasa dalam konteks tertulis.

E. longer listening comprehension practice (latihan pemahaman mendengarkan yang lebih panjang) - Latihan pemahaman mendengarkan yang lebih panjang membantu siswa berlatih dalam memahami dan merespons bahasa lisan yang lebih luas dan konteks yang lebih nyata.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C. quizzes and formative tests karena biasanya bukan bagian dari free practice dalam rencana pelajaran.

Soal 8: A well-developed lesson plan should be completed with assignments to guide the instructor’s choice of assessment measures by providing information about student and class comprehension of the material. The following are among the questions to consider EXCEPT ….

A. What level of learning do the students need to attain?
B. How does the lesson plan fit particular instructional principles?
C. What is the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use?
D. How does the assignment fit with the rest of the lesson plan?
E. What is the purpose of the assignment?

Jawaban: C. What is the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use?

Penjelasan jawaban:
Sebuah rencana pelajaran yang baik harus mencakup tugas-tugas atau penugasan yang dapat membantu guru memilih metode penilaian dengan memberikan informasi tentang pemahaman siswa dan kelas terhadap materi. Mari kita tinjau setiap opsi:

A. What level of learning do the students need to attain? (Tingkat pembelajaran apa yang perlu dicapai oleh siswa?) - Pertanyaan ini penting untuk menetapkan tujuan pembelajaran yang jelas dan mengidentifikasi tingkat pemahaman yang diharapkan dari siswa setelah selesai pelajaran.

B. How does the lesson plan fit particular instructional principles? (Bagaimana rencana pelajaran ini sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran tertentu?) - Pertanyaan ini membantu memastikan bahwa rencana pelajaran konsisten dengan prinsip-prinsip pembelajaran yang relevan dan efektif.

C. What is the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use? (Berapa lama waktu yang diinginkan oleh instruktur agar siswa menggunakannya?) - Jawaban ini adalah pengecualian karena ini tidak terkait dengan pertanyaan yang membantu menentukan jenis atau metode penilaian yang digunakan untuk memeriksa pemahaman siswa.

D. How does the assignment fit with the rest of the lesson plan? (Bagaimana penugasan ini cocok dengan rencana pelajaran lainnya?) - Pertanyaan ini penting untuk memastikan bahwa penugasan yang diberikan sesuai dengan konten dan tujuan pembelajaran dari keseluruhan rencana pelajaran.

E. What is the purpose of the assignment? (Apa tujuan dari penugasan ini?) - Pertanyaan ini membantu mengidentifikasi alasan di balik pemberian tugas dan tujuan instruksional yang ingin dicapai melalui penugasan tersebut.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C. What is the amount of time the instructor wants the students to use? karena ini bukan pertanyaan yang relevan untuk memandu pilihan metode penilaian dalam rencana pelajaran.

Soal 9: The closure step of a lesson plan is a chance to determine whether the students need additional practice or to go over the lesson again. The following are examples of closure in an effective lesson plan EXCEPT ….

A. summarizing the characteristics of the lesson
B. discussing new things that the students learned about the lesson
C. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class
D. asking what information from the lesson the students will find important
E. asking the students to summarize the lesson for students missing the class.

Jawaban: C. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class

Penjelasan jawaban:
Penutupan atau tahap penutupan dalam rencana pelajaran adalah kesempatan untuk menentukan apakah siswa membutuhkan latihan tambahan atau mengulang pelajaran lagi. Mari kita tinjau setiap opsi:

A. summarizing the characteristics of the lesson (meringkas karakteristik pelajaran) - Merangkum karakteristik pelajaran adalah bagian penting dari penutupan pelajaran, karena membantu siswa mereview dan mengingat apa yang telah dipelajari selama pelajaran.

B. discussing new things that the students learned about the lesson (mendiskusikan hal-hal baru yang dipelajari siswa tentang pelajaran) - Ini adalah bagian dari penutupan yang efektif karena siswa dapat berbagi pengetahuan baru atau temuan mereka selama pelajaran.

C. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class (memberi mereka beberapa menit untuk membaca atau menyajikan pelajaran kepada kelas) - Jawaban ini adalah pengecualian karena memberikan beberapa menit untuk membaca atau menyajikan pelajaran tidak secara khusus berkontribusi pada penutupan yang efektif.

D. asking what information from the lesson the students will find important (menanyakan informasi apa dari pelajaran yang dianggap penting oleh siswa) - Pertanyaan ini membantu mengevaluasi pemahaman siswa tentang materi pelajaran dan membantu mereka mengidentifikasi hal-hal penting yang telah dipelajari.

E. asking the students to summarize the lesson for students missing the class (meminta siswa untuk merangkum pelajaran bagi siswa yang absen) - Ini adalah bagian yang efektif dari penutupan, karena memungkinkan siswa untuk merekap dan memahami materi yang diajarkan, dan juga membantu siswa yang absen mendapatkan ringkasan pelajaran.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C. giving them a couple of minutes to read or present the lesson to the class. Tidak termasuk dalam contoh penutupan yang efektif dalam rencana pelajaran.

Soal 10: The presentation phase of a lesson plan can take a variety of forms. The following are suggestions on how to present new materials to class EXCEPT ….

A. teacher centered explanation
B. student presentation
C. reading selection
D. listening selection
E. guided exercises

Jawaban: B. student presentation

Penjelasan jawaban:
Tahap presentasi dalam rencana pelajaran adalah saat di mana materi baru diperkenalkan kepada kelas. Berbagai bentuk presentasi dapat digunakan untuk mengajarkan materi baru. Mari kita tinjau setiap opsi:

A. teacher-centered explanation (penjelasan berpusat pada guru) - Ini adalah cara umum untuk memperkenalkan materi baru kepada kelas di mana guru secara aktif menjelaskan konsep atau informasi kepada siswa.

B. student presentation (presentasi oleh siswa) - Jawaban ini adalah pengecualian karena presentasi oleh siswa tidak termasuk dalam bentuk presentasi untuk memperkenalkan materi baru. Presentasi oleh siswa biasanya terjadi setelah mereka memahami materi dan memiliki kesempatan untuk berbagi pemahaman mereka dengan kelas.

C. reading selection (pemilihan bacaan) - Menggunakan bahan bacaan yang relevan dan menarik adalah cara efektif untuk memperkenalkan materi baru kepada siswa dan membangun pemahaman mereka.

D. listening selection (pemilihan mendengarkan) - Mendengarkan rekaman audio atau percakapan yang relevan adalah cara lain yang efektif untuk memperkenalkan materi baru dan meningkatkan pemahaman bahasa lisan siswa.

E. guided exercises (latihan terbimbing) - Memperkenalkan materi baru melalui latihan terbimbing membantu siswa berlatih menggunakan struktur atau kosakata yang baru dipelajari dalam konteks yang relevan.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. student presentation karena presentasi oleh siswa biasanya tidak termasuk dalam bentuk presentasi untuk memperkenalkan materi baru.

Soal 11: Rina is solitary type of a student. The most suitable learning source for the teacher to facilitate Rina in reading comprehension would be….

A. pictured workbooks
B. E-learning modules
C. reading passages
D. audio recordings
E. worksheet

Jawaban: B. E-learning modules

Menemukan kata kunci soal indikator yaitu solitary type dan reading comprehension. Solitary type student adalah siswa dengan tipe yang suka menyendiri.

Pilihan jawaban B. E-learning modules sesuai dengan tipe solitary dalam pembelajaran. Alasannya adalah modul yang diterapkan dalam e-learning akan diakses oleh pembelajar sendiri dan mandiri.

Soal 12: A teacher who wants to have distance learning involving not only spoken but also pictographic images which enable them to have face-to face idea exchanges can most appropriately utilize….

A. skype
B. short message services
C. multimedia language laboratory
D. teleconference
E. Google messenger

Jawaban: D. teleconference.

Teleconferences allow for real-time communication between the teacher and students, and they can be used to share both spoken and pictographic images. This makes them a good option for distance learning that involves face-to-face idea exchanges.

The other options are not as suitable for distance learning that involves face-to-face idea exchanges. Short message services (SMS) and Google Messenger are text-based communication tools, so they do not allow for the sharing of pictographic images. Multimedia language laboratories (MLLs) are typically used for in-person instruction, and they can be expensive to set up and maintain.

Soal 13: Mrs. Nastiti is about to activate students’ formal schemata of lexical items *
used in a report text. For the purpose, she can involve her students…

A. to identify words in jumbled letters
B. to label pictures with appropriate words
C. to guess word meanings from the context
D. to find the meaning of words in dictionary
E. to find the synonym or the antonym of words

Jawaban: B. to label pictures with appropriate words.

Formal schemata of lexical items are the mental representations of words and their meanings. They are activated when we encounter words in a text. One way to activate formal schemata is to label pictures with appropriate words. This helps students to associate words with their meanings and to build up their mental representations of those words.

The other options are not as effective for activating formal schemata. Identifying words in jumbled letters is a good way to practice decoding skills, but it does not help students to associate words with their meanings. Guessing word meanings from the context can be helpful, but it is not as effective as labeling pictures with words. Finding the meaning of words in a dictionary is a good way to learn the meaning of new words, but it does not help students to activate their formal schemata of words that they already know. Finding the synonym or the antonym of words can be helpful for understanding the nuances of meaning, but it does not help students to activate their formal schemata of words in general.

Soal 14: To cater for the learning style of his students who are field independent, when teaching reading, Mr. Hanafi will require his students to ……

A. follow in depth ideas in each paragraph
B. identify the main points of passages
C. imply the meaning in passages
D. retell details of all paragraphs
E. seek for specific information

Jawaban: B. identify the main points of passages

Identify the main points of passages: While identifying main points is an essential reading skill, field-independent learners may prefer to analyze details within paragraphs rather than focusing solely on the overall passage structure.

Soal 15: Learning a new topic can be challenging for students. To motivate them to learn with enthusiasm, a teacher may use empathetic communication strategy by….

A. telling the class that all beginning is difficult
B. informing the class to always be motivated
C. reminding the importance of learning English
D. explaining the disadvantage of not learning the topic
E. stating that the topic is interesting and they will like it

Jawaban: E. stating that the topic is interesting and they will like it.

Empathetic communication is a way of communicating that shows understanding and concern for the other person's feelings. When a teacher uses empathetic communication, they are trying to connect with the students on an emotional level. This can be done by sharing their own experiences, using humor, or simply being understanding and supportive.

In this case, the teacher could say something like, "I know that learning a new topic can be challenging, but I think you're going to find this one really interesting. It's about something that I'm really passionate about, and I think you'll be interested in it too." This type of statement shows that the teacher understands the students' concerns, but it also expresses confidence that the students will be able to learn the material.

The other options are not as effective in motivating students to learn with enthusiasm. Telling the class that all beginnings are difficult may be true, but it doesn't offer any real encouragement. Informing the class to always be motivated is too general and may not be effective for all students. Reminding the importance of learning English is a good reminder, but it doesn't necessarily motivate students to learn the material. Explaining the disadvantage of not learning the topic may be effective for some students, but it can also be seen as threatening or manipulative.

Soal 16: A student was texting Ms. Cruella as follows: “Excuse me, Mam. When can you meet me to discuss my report? I have a question to ask. Thank you” How should Ms. Cruella have responded to her student by texting back not to make her embarrassed?

A. “What about tomorrow? But, should I see you or should you see me?”
B. “Who do you think you are? I am your teacher. You must see me.”
C. “Is your language polite enough, Sandra? Check your English.”
D. “Sandra, be polite please, can’t you? Should I meet you?”
E. “You are really not polite, Sandra. Keep your manner.”

Jawaban : A. “What about tomorrow? But, should I see you or should you see me?”

Option A is the most appropriate response as it politely addresses the student's lack of politeness while still offering to meet and discuss the report. It creates a positive learning environment by reminding the student to communicate respectfully with teachers.

Soal 17: What follows are NOT among the principles of assessment: 

A. Valid, objective, accountable, meaningful, and comprehensive
B. Accountable, meaningful, systematic, fair, and criterion-based
C. Objective, accountable, systematic, fair, and meaningful
D. Ongoing, integrated, systematic, fair, and accountable
E. Judgemental, valid, objective, fair, and accountable

Jawaban: E. Judgemental, valid, objective, fair, and accountable.

The principles of assessment are:
  • Valid: The assessment should measure what it is intended to measure.
  • Objective: The assessment should be free from bias and should be scored consistently.
  • Accountable: The assessment should be used to make decisions about students, such as placement or graduation.
  • Meaningful: The assessment should be relevant to the students' learning and should provide information that can be used to improve their learning.
  • Comprehensive: The assessment should cover a range of learning outcomes.
  • Ongoing: The assessment should be part of the learning process and should not be used as a summative measure of student achievement.
  • Integrated: The assessment should be integrated with the curriculum and should not be seen as a separate activity.
  • Systematic: The assessment should be planned and implemented in a systematic way.
  • Fair: The assessment should be fair to all students and should not disadvantage any particular group of students.
  • Criterion-based: The assessment should be based on clear criteria that are known to the students.
The principle of assessment that is not listed is judgemental. Assessment should be based on evidence, not on the teacher's personal judgment.

Soal 18: Based on the indicator that follows: ―Given three brief paragraphs of different themes on which every second half of every 2nd word is mutilated, students fill in the blank spaces in the mutilated words of the paragraphs correctly, the most appropriate scoring scheme relevant to the assessment procedure is….

A. scoring with a penalty
B. dichotomous scoring
C. primary-trait scoring
D. polytomous scoring
E. weighted scoring

Jawaban: B. dichotomous scoring.

Dichotomous scoring is a type of scoring in which each item is scored as either correct or incorrect. This type of scoring is appropriate for the assessment procedure because it is easy to administer and score. It is also objective, meaning that it is not affected by the personal judgment of the scorer.

The other options are not as appropriate. Scoring with a penalty would be appropriate if there were partial credit for correct answers. Primary-trait scoring is used to assess specific skills or traits, and it is not appropriate for this assessment procedure. Polytomous scoring is used when there are more than two possible answers for each item, and it is not appropriate for this assessment procedure. Weighted scoring is used to give different weights to different items, and it is not appropriate for this assessment procedure.

Here is a more detailed explanation of why each option is not as appropriate:
  • Scoring with a penalty would be appropriate if there were partial credit for correct answers. However, in this assessment procedure, there is only one correct answer for each item, so there is no need for a penalty.
  • Primary-trait scoring is used to assess specific skills or traits, and it is not appropriate for this assessment procedure. This assessment procedure is assessing students' ability to fill in the blank spaces in the mutilated words of the paragraphs correctly. This is not a specific skill or trait, so primary-trait scoring would not be appropriate.
  • Polytomous scoring is used when there are more than two possible answers for each item, and it is not appropriate for this assessment procedure. In this assessment procedure, there are only two possible answers for each item: correct or incorrect. Therefore, polytomous scoring would not be appropriate.
  • Weighted scoring is used to give different weights to different items, and it is not appropriate for this assessment procedure. In this assessment procedure, all of the items are equally important, so there is no need to give different weights to different items.
Soal 19: The problem in Mr. Andi’s class is the students tend to compete excessively in reading class. They don’t have much experience in working together in task groups. She believes that they need to have more opportunities to work together to change as their attitudes in competing leads to an unhealthy class atmosphere. To solve the problem, she designs an innovative instructional strategy through classroom action research. The steps of which will need to have the elements of…

C. jigsaw
D. mind and mapping
E. click and clunk

Jawaban : C. jigsaw.

Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy that is designed to help students learn from each other. In a jigsaw activity, students are divided into groups, and each group is assigned a different part of the material to learn. Students then work together to learn their assigned part of the material, and then they come back together as a whole group to share what they have learned.

Jigsaw is a good strategy for Mr. Andi's class because it will help students to learn how to work together and to share their knowledge with each other. It will also help to reduce the competitive atmosphere in the class.

The other options are not as appropriate. KWLH is a strategy for helping students to learn new vocabulary. SQ3R is a strategy for helping students to read and remember information. Mind mapping is a strategy for helping students to visualize information. Click and clunk is a strategy for helping students to understand the relationships between concepts.

Here is a more detailed explanation of why each option is not as appropriate:
  • KWLH is a strategy for helping students to learn new vocabulary. This is not the problem that Mr. Andi is trying to solve.
  • SQ3R is a strategy for helping students to read and remember information. This is not the problem that Mr. Andi is trying to solve.
  • Mind mapping is a strategy for helping students to visualize information. This is not the problem that Mr. Andi is trying to solve.
  • Click and clunk is a strategy for helping students to understand the relationships between concepts. This is not the problem that Mr. Andi is trying to solve.
Soal 20: Observations by a collaborator during the conduct of classroom action research are mainly focused on....

A. both the teacher‘s teaching and more importantly students‘learning behavior
B. detailed descriptions of class progress from minute to minute
C. class atmosphere during the implementation of the strategy
D. student-student and teacher-student class interactions
E. collection of data to provide evidence of change

Jawaban: A. Both the teacher's teaching and more importantly students' learning behavior

Observations by a collaborator during the conduct of classroom action research are mainly focused on both the teacher's teaching and, more importantly, students' learning behavior. Classroom action research involves a collaborative approach where the teacher and other collaborators work together to observe and improve teaching and learning practices.

Here's why option A is the correct answer:

Teacher's teaching: Observations in classroom action research include closely monitoring the teacher's instructional practices, teaching strategies, and methods used during the implementation of the research plan.

Students' learning behavior: Equally important is the observation of students' engagement, participation, understanding, and overall learning behavior during the research process. The main focus is to understand how students respond to the implemented strategies and how it affects their learning outcomes.

Soal 21: The following are main benefits of classroom action research in learning English except...

A. Improve the quality of english learning proccess
B. Improve the professionalism of teachers to be able to find learning strategies to improve the quality of learning
C. find solution to problem in learning english through classroom action research
D. looking for new problem in learning proccess
E. solve the problem of the students in learning proccess

Jawaban: D. looking for new problem in learning proccess.

Classroom action research is a process of inquiry that teachers use to improve their practice. It is a cyclical process that involves planning, action, observation, and reflection. The goal of classroom action research is to improve the quality of learning for students.

The benefits of classroom action research include:
  • Improving the quality of English learning process: Classroom action research can help teachers to identify and address the specific learning needs of their students. It can also help teachers to develop and implement more effective teaching strategies.
  • Improving the professionalism of teachers: Classroom action research can help teachers to become more reflective practitioners. It can also help teachers to develop their own teaching theories and to share their knowledge with other teachers.
  • Finding solution to problem in learning english through classroom action research: Classroom action research can help teachers to identify and solve problems in the learning process. It can also help teachers to develop new and innovative teaching strategies.
  • Solving the problem of the students in learning proccess: Classroom action research can help teachers to identify and solve the specific learning problems of their students. It can also help teachers to develop more effective teaching strategies that meet the needs of all students.
Looking for new problems in the learning process is not a benefit of classroom action research. The goal of classroom action research is to improve the quality of learning for students, not to identify new problems.

Soal 22: An example of TPACK integration in the use of teaching materials is *

A. utilizing e-module digital learning resourses
B. purchase of new teaching material
C. Utilizing old teaching material
D. Using many new strategies
E. Duplicate books for learning activities

Jawaban: A. utilizing e-module digital learning resources.

TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. It is a framework that describes the knowledge that teachers need to effectively integrate technology into their teaching. The three components of TPACK are:
  • Technological knowledge: This is the knowledge that teachers need about the tools and resources that are available to them.
  • Pedagogical knowledge: This is the knowledge that teachers need about how to teach effectively.
  • Content knowledge: This is the knowledge that teachers need about the subject matter that they are teaching.
When teachers integrate technology into their teaching, they need to consider all three components of TPACK. They need to choose the right tools and resources for their students, they need to use them in a way that is pedagogically sound, and they need to be sure that the content is accurate and relevant.

Utilizing e-module digital learning resources is an example of TPACK integration because it requires teachers to have knowledge of the technology (e-modules), the pedagogy (how to use e-modules effectively), and the content (the subject matter that is being taught).

The other options are not examples of TPACK integration. Purchasing new teaching materials, utilizing old teaching materials, using many new strategies, and duplicating books for learning activities do not require teachers to have knowledge of the technology, the pedagogy, and the content.

Soal 23: An english teacher applies various types of assessment in learning. the goal is to get comprehensive information about the competence of students. Thus, assessment principle held by teacher is ...

A. objective
B. Fair
C. Open
D. Systenatic
E. Comprehensive

Jawaban: E. Comprehensive.

Comprehensive assessment is an assessment that provides a holistic view of a student's learning. It uses a variety of methods to gather information about a student's knowledge, skills, and abilities. This information can then be used to make decisions about a student's progress, identify areas where the student needs additional support, and plan future learning activities.

In the given situation, the English teacher is using various types of assessment to get comprehensive information about the competence of students. This indicates that the teacher is holding the principle of comprehensive assessment.

Soal 24: An english teacher the gives the students english test in the same level of difficulty to both male and female students, for this situation assessment principle held by teacher is ...

A. Objective
B. Fair
C. Comprehensive
D. Open
E. Integrated

Jawaban: B. Fair.

Fairness in assessment means that the assessment should be fair to all students and should not disadvantage any particular group of students. This includes ensuring that the assessment is at the same level of difficulty for all students, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, or other factors.

In the given situation, the English teacher is giving the students an English test in the same level of difficulty to both male and female students. This indicates that the teacher is holding the principle of fairness in assessment.

Soal 25: TPACK is learning that uses a combined application of an education system that puts forward technology and certain application (content) in learning. the following are advantages of using technology in learning, except ...

A. expand access to education and learning
B. help visualize abstract ideas
C. facilitate understanding of the material being studied
D. make the learning process more interesting
E. lack of interaction between students and teachers

Jawaban: E. lack of interaction between students and teachers.

Technology can be used to facilitate interaction between students and teachers in a number of ways. For example, teachers can use technology to create online discussion forums, to conduct video conferences, or to use social media to communicate with students.