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Pidato Singkat Bahasa Inggris "Dangers of Drugs for Students"

Berikut contoh pidato singkat Bahasa Inggris dengan judul "Dangers of Drugs for Students"

Ladies and gentlemen, respected teachers, and dear fellow students,

Today, I want to talk about a pressing issue that affects not only our generation but also the future of our society. It's a menace that lurks in the shadows and can destroy our dreams and potential - the danger of drug abuse, or as we commonly know it, "Narkoba."

As students, we are at a crucial stage in our lives where we are building our futures, acquiring knowledge, and shaping our characters. However, the presence of drugs poses a grave threat to our journey of learning and self-discovery.

First and foremost, Narkoba can rob us of our physical and mental health. The substances found in drugs can have devastating effects on our bodies and minds, leading to a range of health issues, from addiction to severe medical conditions. Our pursuit of knowledge and personal growth cannot thrive if our health is compromised.

Moreover, drug abuse can lead to a life filled with negative consequences. It can result in legal troubles, strained relationships with family and friends, and a tarnished reputation that can hinder our future prospects. We must remember that our actions today have a profound impact on our tomorrow.

Furthermore, the financial aspect of drug addiction is often underestimated. The money spent on acquiring drugs could be better invested in our education, hobbies, or other positive pursuits. By staying away from drugs, we can secure a brighter financial future.

In conclusion, the danger of Narkoba for students is undeniable. It threatens our physical and mental health, jeopardizes our future prospects, and drains our finances. It is our responsibility to stay informed, make wise choices, and support each other in the fight against drug abuse.

Let us be the generation that says no to Narkoba and paves the way for a brighter and healthier future. Thank you.