Diskusi 4 Grammar Analysis : How do you distinguish between asyndetic coordination and syndetic coordination?
More specifically about coordinative devices in compound sentences, a sentence is said to have asyndetic coordination or syndetic coordination.
How do you distinguish between asyndetic coordination and syndetic coordination? Give examples!
The clause structure is commonly referred to as sentence classification based on the number and type of clauses that compose it (Praba et al, 2017). Based on this classification, English sentences are divided into three different categories: simple, compound, and complex sentences (Praba et al, 2017). Praba et al (2017) also stated that a compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. A compound sentence has two or more main clauses linked by coordinating conjunction such as and, but, etc.
Talking about coordinative devices in compound sentences, a sentence is said to have asyndetic coordination or syndetic coordination. In syndetic coordination using conjunctions. On the contrary, asyndetic coordination without using conjunctions (Haspelmath and Quirk et al in Ukessays, 2018).
So, the difference between the syndetic and asyndetic is as follows: syndetic is linked by coordinating conjunctions (coordinators), and asyndetic coordinators are not present. We can see from the following
Syndetic =>. He tried, BUT he failed. (Use coordiantor “but”)
Asyndetic => He tried, he failed. (Without a coordinator, just use a comma)
Carter. R, McCarthy. M, Mark. G, and O’Keeffe. A. 2011. English Grammar Today. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Praba, Utari dkk. 2017. Buku Materi Pokok MPBI 5202/3SKS/Modul 1-9: Grammar Analysis. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.
UKEssays. (November 2018). The Syndetic And Asyndetic Coordination English Language Essay. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/english-language/the-syndetic-and-asyndetic-coordination-english-language-essay.php?vref=1