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Designing Learning Activities for GBA's Writing Cycle Using Reading and Pre-Writing Principles

Tugas 1 Language Teaching Methods

Design learning activities for GBA’s written cycle in which you use a principle of teaching reading (i.e., plan the stages of teaching reading, see page 2.15) and one stage of writing process (i.e., pre-writing, see p. 3.9) for teaching a particular text genre (you determine the learning objective(s) first). Select cooperative learning techniques that suit the aforementioned principle and stage. To give you an idea of how the design looks like, check the example of teaching scenario on page 3.38-3.41.


1.      Teaching Scenario of Reading



The students are going to find some information from an analytical exposition text about being fat matter.

Model text


Analytical Exposition Text about being fat matter.



Being Fat Matter.



The students are be able to find some information from an analytical exposition text about being fat matter.

The Scenario of Teaching to Find Some Information from an Analytical Exposition Text about Being Fat Matter





Stage 1

Modelling and

Building knowledge of the field (Mot and BKoF)

Learn the social function of the text, generic structure (thesis, argument, reiteration), language features of the analytical exposition text and the others relevant.

1.   Tell the topic to students by giving relevant questions.

2.   Reading a model an analytical exposition text about being fat matter.

3.   Tell them how to read a text using SQ3R technique.

4.   Tell the students about social function of analytical exposition text.

5.   Tell the students about generic structure of an analytical exposition text (thesis, argument, reiteration).

6.   Listing some important information from the text.


Stage 2

Joint Construction of the Text (JCoT)

Apply their knowledge to find some facts or information and answer some questions from the text collaboratively with fellow learners and teacher.

1.   Guide the students to read the text carefully and then answer some question based on the text about being fat matter.

2.   In a group teacher ask the students to find out generic structure, language features and social function of the text.

3.   Students ask their classmates to swap jobs to check their answers.

4.   Give feedback from the teacher about their task.


Stage 3

Independent Construction

To identify the individual students’ comprehending about some information and the students’ ability to answer some questions from the text. If some of them found the problem, we need another practice.

1.   After revising from the teacher, the students answer the questions based on the text correctly and individually.

2.   Check the students’ comprehending and correct the task.


2.      Teaching Scenario of Writing



The students are going to learn to write a paragraph telling their unforgettable experience and appropriately by employing a good paragraph structure

Model text


Recount text or a paragraph about someone’s experience



Write unforgettable experience and appropriately by employing a good paragraph structure



The students are be able to write a paragraph telling their unforgettable experience and appropriately by employing a good paragraph structure

The Scenario of Teaching to Write a Paragraph Telling Their Unforgettable Experience and Appropriately by Employing a Good Paragraph Structure





Stage 1

Modelling and

Building knowledge of the field (Mot and BKoF)

Learn the features of a good paragraph telling someone’s experience (the generic structure) and knowledge of language (structure and vocabulary) sentence structure using suitable verb tenses and many others.

1.   Tell students about how to write a good paragraph.

2.   Talking about experiences (either happy or sad) followed by questions and answer about their experience.

3.   Reading a model paragraph about someone’s experience.

4.   Students choose a topic of their own.

5.   Give a set of (general) questions to guide them about their experience chronologically.

6.   Ask them to answer the question in complete sentences using past tense and suitable verb tenses


Stage 2

Joint Construction of the Text (JCoT)

Apply their knowledge to practice developing a paragraph telling their unforgettable experience collaboratively with fellow learners and teacher.

1.   Guide the students to write a suitable topic sentence about their experience.

2.   Ask the students to write supporting sentences to make a good paragraph.

3.   Students ask their classmates to swap jobs to check sentences.

4.   Class discussion by teacher focusing on suitable verb tenses, vocabulary, punctuation and supported sentences in a good paragraph.

5.   Develop a paragraph telling their unforgettable experience based on the selected topic.

6.   Give feedback from the teacher about their task.


Stage 3

Independent Construction

To identify the individual students’ ability in writing a good paragraph telling their unforgettable experience when there is no intervention from their classmates and the teacher. When the product is satisfactory, it is not necessary another practice. If not, we need another practice.

1.   Based on the feedback from the teacher, they must revise the task individually.

2.   Revising and editing
